CartonCloud terms and conditions of service / end user license agreement Important: before accessing or using any part of the CartonCloud Application website (the "Website”), you should read carefully the following terms and conditions of service (the “Terms”, “Terms and Conditions” and/or “Agreement”). This is a legal agreement between you and, where the Services are provided in: (a) North America or South America, CartonCloud CA Inc. BN 708314109; or (b) Australia, New Zealand or anywhere else in the world (excluding North America and South America), CartonCloud Pty Ltd ACN 141 337 395, ("CartonCloud"). These terms and conditions govern your access to and use of the Website and to all services, products, applications, software, programs, tools, materials, content, websites or pages, mobile applications, installed applications, electronic data interchange, e-mail, and service offerings or information available through the Website or used in any manner related thereto (with the foregoing collectively referred to herein as the "Service" and/or the "Services"). CartonCloud is willing to allow you access to and use of the Website and/or Services on the condition that you accept and agree to all of these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with these Terms and Conditions, do not access or otherwise use the Website and/or the Services. By accessing, viewing, or using the Website and/or the Services, you indicate that you have read and understand these Terms and Conditions herein and, as they may change from time to time, that you agree to them and intend to be legally bound by them without reservation. "you" or "your" refers to the individual using the Service and if you use the Service on behalf of an entity, then "you" shall include that business entity and any individuals associated therewith using the Service. If you are using the Service on behalf of an entity, you are nevertheless individually bound by these terms and conditions even if your company has a separate agreement with CartonCloud. The Terms and Conditions are as follows: 1) LIMITATIONS ON Service: YOU agree to comply with and adhere to the Terms and Conditions and any other policies issued by CartonCloud related to the Services. Violation of any of the Terms and Conditions stated herein or any other CartonCloud policies may result in termination of YOUR access to and/or use of the Services at CartonCloud’s exclusive discretion. CartonCloud reserves the right to, and YOU hereby acknowledge and agree that, CartonCloud may in its sole discretion refuse access to and/or use of the Services to anyone or any entity for any reason at any time, including to YOU. 2) AMENDMENTS AND UPDATES TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS: CartonCloud reserves the right to update, augment and/or change the Terms and Conditions from time to time without notice. YOU agree that any new features that augment or enhance the Service, including the release of new tools and/or resources, shall be subject to the Terms and Conditions. Continued use of the Service after any such changes shall constitute YOUR express, irrevocable consent to such changes. YOU can review the most current version of the Terms and Conditions at any time at 3) MODIFICATIONS TO THE Service: CartonCloud, in its sole discretion, has the right at any time, and from time to time, to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the Service (or any part thereof) with or without notice for any reason at any time. 4) CARTONCLOUD SERVICE: The Service is an internet based software platform that provides a logistics management solution designed to streamline logistical processes. The Service is not itself, nor is it an agent for, a broker, motor, air, or rail carrier, freight forwarder or any other form of freight transportation provider (individually or collectively referred to as a "Logistics Provider" or "Logistics Providers" respectively). 5) SUBSCRIPTION FEES AND PAYMENT TERMS: CartonCloud offers payment-based service plans under which CartonCloud charges a subscription fee for use of the Services. Subscription fee rates will be established upon the opening of an account with CartonCloud by YOU or by the business entity with whom YOU are employed. All users are subject to credit approval. All charges are payable in either, where the Services are provided in:
(a) the United States of America or Canada, United States or Canadian Dollars as dependent on the location in which you receive the Services; or
(b) South America or elsewhere in North America (excluding the United States of America or Canada), United States Dollars; or
(c) Australia, New Zealand or anywhere else in the world (excluding North America and South America), Australian or New Zealand Dollars as dependent on the location in which you receive the Services,
and are due upon receipt or upon separate terms that have been agreed upon in writing between YOU and CartonCloud. 6) USER INFORMATION REQUIRED; RIGHTS GRANTED BY YOU TO CARTONCLOUD; AUTHORIZATION: In order to complete the sign-up/login process, YOU must provide YOUR first name, last name, company/business name, a valid email address and any other information requested from time to time from CartonCloud. YOU agree that this information provided by YOU is accurate and current and YOU further agree to maintain and promptly update this information as necessary. 7) ACCOUNT SECURITY: YOU agree that YOU are responsible for maintaining and protecting the security of YOUR Services account and password. YOU further agree that CartonCloud is not liable for any loss or damage resulting from YOUR failure to comply with this security obligation. 8) INFORMATION PROVIDED BY YOU TO CARTONCLOUD: By providing information through the Service, YOU represent and warrant that YOU are entitled to submit the information and that the information is true, accurate, complete, current, not confidential, and not in violation of any contractual restrictions or other third party rights. It is YOUR responsibility to ensure the accuracy of all information provided and to keep YOUR profile information accurate and updated. 9) USER ELIGIBILITY AND REQUIREMENTS: To be eligible to use the Service, YOU must meet the following criteria and represent and warrant that YOU: (a) are 18 years of age or older (if an individual); (b) are not currently restricted from the Services, or not otherwise prohibited from having an account, (c) have full power and authority to agree to these Terms and Conditions and doing so will not violate any other agreement to which YOU are a party; (d) will not violate any rights of CartonCloud, including these Terms and Conditions and/or any intellectual property rights such as without limitation any of the following rights; copyright, patent, licensing, or trademark rights; (e) agree to provide at YOUR cost all equipment, software, and internet access necessary to use the Services; (f) agree not to reproduce, copy, disassemble, reverse-engineer, sell, resell, or exploit any portion of the Service (including, but not limited to, the HTML/CSS or visual design elements of the Website), or use the Service or access the Service without the express written permission of CartonCloud.
Violation of this paragraph by YOU may result for YOU in civil and/or criminal penalties and fines as well as liability for legal and court fees. CartonCloud is subject to trademark law. All rights reserved. 10) COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS: YOU agree that YOU are responsible for, warrant compliance with, and will adhere to any and all applicable laws and regulations relating to the nature of YOUR business, and that further YOU shall have any and all necessary licenses, permits, accreditations or certificates required to legally operate YOUR business. 11) MISUSE OF THE Services: YOU agree to use the Service only for the purpose for which it is intended. YOU agree not to modify, adapt, reverse engineer, create derivative works from, or hack the Service or modify another Website so as to falsely imply that it is associated with the Service, CartonCloud, any CartonCloud affiliates or any other CartonCloud service. 12) DISALLOWED CONTENT: CartonCloud does not pre-screen content, but CartonCloud has the right, but not the obligation, in its sole discretion, with or without notice, to refuse or remove any content for any reason or upon cancellation or termination of Service. Further, CartonCloud, has the right, but not the obligation, with or without notice, to remove content and accounts containing content that we determine in our sole discretion is unlawful, offensive, threatening, libelous, defamatory, pornographic, obscene or otherwise objectionable or violates any party's intellectual property rights or these Terms and Conditions. 13) DELETED CONTENT: Content cannot be recovered once it is deleted. CartonCloud has no obligation to store, maintain or provide YOU with a copy of any content that YOU or other users provide when using the Services. 14) LIMITED LICENSE: On the condition that YOU comply with all YOUR obligations under these Terms and Conditions, we grant YOU a limited, revocable, non-exclusive, non-assignable, non-sublicenseable license and right to access the Services, through a generally available web browser, mobile device or application (but not through scraping, spidering, crawling or other technology or software used to access data without the express written consent of CartonCloud), view information and use the Services that we provide on CartonCloud webpages and in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. 15) INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: All content and Services on the CartonCloud Website, including, but not limited to, trademarks and logos, designs, text, graphics, sounds, images, software, source code, and other Website materials (the "Materials") are the intellectual property of CartonCloud. No rights of any kind are licensed or extended to YOU regarding the Materials and/or any CartonCloud intellectual property, except to the extent that a limited license to access and use the Services is provided as set forth in clause 14 of the Terms and Conditions. None of the Materials may be copied, reproduced, or distributed in any form without the prior written permission of CartonCloud. YOU may not, directly or indirectly scrape, harvest, or otherwise extract data from the Website and/or the Services through the use of bots, crawlers, spider technology and/or other similar software without CartonCloud's prior written authorization. YOU may not reverse engineer or create derivative products from the Materials. CartonCloud, the CartonCloud logo, and other marks related to CartonCloud products and services ("CartonCloud Marks") are the exclusive and valuable property of CartonCloud. The CartonCloud Marks can only be reproduced or displayed with specific written permission from CartonCloud. 16) NO WARRANTY OF ACCURACY OF INFORMATION: CartonCloud is not responsible for and does not endorse, review, or monitor any person using or subscribing to the Service. CartonCloud does not have any obligation to verify the identity of the person using or subscribing to the Service. 17) RELATIONSHIP OF THE PARTIES: Nothing contained herein shall be construed as establishing an employer/employee, partnership, affiliation, agency, brokerage, franchise, joint venture, or similar relationship. 18) MOBILE DEVICES: The Service may provide certain services that are available to YOU via YOUR mobile phone or other mobile device if YOU have subscribed to them, including the ability to use YOUR mobile device to receive and reply to messages from CartonCloud and access certain other features (collectively, the "Mobile Services"). YOUR mobile carrier's normal messaging, data, and other rates and fees may apply to YOUR use of the Mobile Services. 19) COOKIES: CartonCloud's Website or ISP uses cookies to retrieve user details for each visit. Cookies are used in some areas of our Website to enable the functionality and ease of use for those people visiting. YOUR IP address may be used to help diagnose technical problems or to administer our Website. Additional information related to the use of cookies and other user information may be found in the CartonCloud Privacy Policy located at 20) COMMUNICATIONS: The Service may include certain communications via email or text message from CartonCloud, such as service announcements, administrative messages, newsletters, etc. YOU understand that these communications shall be considered part of using the Services. 21) PRIVACY POLICY: Our Privacy Policy is hereby incorporated into these Terms and Conditions as described in this clause and other applicable clauses herein and governs our treatment of any information, including personally identifiable information YOU submit to us. YOU acknowledge that YOUR submission of any information, statements, data, and content to us is voluntary on YOUR part. For additional information please see the CartonCloud Privacy Policy located at 22) DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES: YOUR use of the Service is at YOUR sole risk. CartonCloud, the Service, the information contained on or made available through the Service or Website, as well as any Service offered in connection with CartonCloud are made "as is", "as available" and with all inaccuracies. To the fullest extent permissible under applicable law, CartonCloud disclaims any and all warranties and representations and makes no warranty or representation of any kind, expressed, statutory, or implied, written or oral, including, but not limited to, those of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, accuracy, content, completeness, quality, systems integration, legality, reliability, operability, availability, title, non-infringement, or arising from a course of dealing, usage or trade practice. 23) LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: In no event shall CartonCloud have any liability for damage, loss, or delay to goods shipped incidental to use of the Services of any kind. CartonCloud's sole responsibility is to provide the CartonCloud platform for use, subject to the Terms and Conditions, and CartonCloud's liability is limited to a refund of the total subscription fee paid by YOU or on YOUR behalf in the thirty days immediately prior to any claim or related claims brought by YOU for any reason. To the extent the foregoing may be disallowed by applicable law, CartonCloud's liability shall be limited to the fullest extent otherwise permitted by law. 24) INDEMNIFICATION: YOU agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless CartonCloud, its parents, subsidiaries and affiliated companies, and all of their respective directors, staff, owners, shareholders, officers, employees, subcontractors, agents, and vendors from and against any and all suits, actions, claims, proceedings, damages, settlements, judgments, injuries, liabilities, losses, risks, costs, and expenses (including without limitation legal and court costs) relating to or arising from the Service, YOUR access and/or use of the Service (or any derivatives of the Service offered to YOU) or any use under YOUR username and password whether or not authorised by YOU, YOUR fraud, violation of law, or willful misconduct, and any breach by YOU of these Terms and Conditions, including, but not limited to, YOUR use of our Website, uploading, emailing, posting, publishing, transmitting or submitting any content, or any misrepresentation, breach of warranty or certification made by YOU. 25) CONFIDENTIALITY: YOU shall not directly or indirectly disclose to anyone, or use for YOUR own benefit, or anyone else's benefit, Confidential Information as defined herein except as necessary to facilitate transactions associated with using or subscribing to the Service. "Confidential Information" shall include (but is not limited to) business and/or marketing and sales plans, financial information, trade secrets, intellectual property, names, contacts, personal information, shipping or other logistics information or requirements, billing amounts, or pricing information. Confidential Information may be disclosed orally, visually or in tangible form(whether by document, electronic media, or other form). The failure to mark, label or identify any of the above - described information as confidential shall not affect its status as part of the Confidential Information. 26) ASSIGNMENT: YOU shall not assign, transfer, charge or deal in any other manner with this agreement or any of its rights under it or purport to do any of the same without the prior written consent of CartonCloud, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld. (a) transfer its rights and obligations under this agreement to a nominee of its choice (Nominee); (b) temporarily or permanently delegate its obligations under this Agreement to its Nominee; or (c) novate this agreement to its Nominee by ending this agreement and entering into a new agreement between YOU and its Nominee, on terms similar to this agreement. 27) GOVERNING LAW AND VENUE: This agreement shall be governed by and constituted in accordance with, where the Services are provided in: (a) North America or South America, the law of New York, the United States of America and any proceedings pertaining to the contract shall be instituted in the courts of New York, the United States of America; and (b) Australia, New Zealand or anywhere else in the world (excluding North America or South America), the law of Queensland, Australia, and any proceedings pertaining to the contract shall be instituted in the courts of Queensland, Australia. 28) NO WAIVER: YOU agree that the failure of CartonCloud to exercise or enforce any right or provision of the Terms and Conditions shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. Failure to enforce a breach or waiver of any provision or right shall not be deemed to constitute a waiver of any subsequent failure or breach, and shall not affect or limit the right to thereafter enforce such, or any other, term or provision. 29) COMPLETE AGREEMENT: YOU agree that the Terms and Conditions constitute the entire, complete and exclusive agreement and understanding between YOU and CartonCloud regarding the Service and governs YOUR access to and use of the Service, superseding any prior agreements, arrangements, or understandings, verbal or written, or whether established by custom, practice, policy or precedent, between YOU and CartonCloud relating to the subject matter herein (including, but not limited to, any prior versions of the Terms and Conditions). 30) AGREEMENT UNAFFECTED BY UNENFORCEABLE TERM: In the event any terms or conditions are determined to be invalid or unenforceable, no other terms or conditions shall be affected and the unaffected terms and conditions shall remain valid and enforceable as written. The representations, rights and obligations hereunder shall survive relief and termination for any reason. 31) FORCE MAJEURE: Under no circumstances shall CartonCloud be held liable for any delay or failure in performance resulting directly or indirectly from acts of nature, forces, or causes beyond its reasonable control, including, without limitation, Internet failures, computer equipment failures, telecommunication equipment failures, other equipment failures, loss of data, electrical power failures, strikes, labor disputes, riots, insurrections, civil disturbances, shortages of labor or materials, fires, floods, storms, explosions, acts of God, war, governmental actions, orders of domestic or foreign courts or tribunals, or nonperformance of third parties. 32) ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION: 33) CHANGES; SUSPENSION AND TERMINATION: We may change, suspend or discontinue the Service, or any part of it, at any time. If we discontinue the Service, we will give you a prorated refund of any fees paid for the Service YOU use based on the number of days remaining for the Service you have paid. 34) TERMINATION OF Service BY YOU: YOU may terminate YOUR access by giving CartonCloud 30 days’ notice in writing by emailing us at: If YOU terminate Service, there will not be any refunds issued. These Terms and Conditions shall survive any termination.